More Dastardly Divorce Tricks To Avoid—And Beware Of

Divorce brings out the worst in many people. While it’s certainly a stressful time, it’s never a good idea to allow your emotions to cloud your good judgment. That’s true when it comes to controlling your own behavior, as well as while you watch out for any murky undertakings your spouse may be up to.
Avoid Provoking your Spouse
While it may be very tempting to poke and prod your ex, you must know that such behavior will likely bring the same kinds of actions your way. So while it’s perfectly acceptable to advocate for yourself and take steps to ensure things go favorably for you, it is really not a good idea to start a battle with your spouse that will escalate the nastiness. That being said, watch out for some tactics to which some unscrupulous and angry spouses may resort:
- Canceling credit cards: It’s no fun to attempt to pay for your gas or groceries with a credit card, only to discover that it’s been canceled. Prepare for the possibility by creating your own account as soon as you know the divorce is underway.
- Emptying bank accounts: Another rotten strategy some spouses employ is to clean out all savings, leaving you high and dry. Prepare, if possible, by having your own stash on the side, or by taking out your half of the funds before your spouse can clear out the entire amount.
- Pitting Kids Against You: With no regard for the emotional health of the kids, some parents make children choose sides by berating their other parent.
- False Accusations: Custody hearing can be difficult enough when parents try to pit the kids against each other, but they are positively unbearable when one parent makes false allegations against another in an attempt to squash any opportunity for custody or visitation. The best thing you can do is conduct yourself with propriety at all times, so that your character and behavior will speak for itself. Judges often have a sense of the hyperbole people bring into divorce court, and if your spouse is dramatic while you’re collected and calm it can only be of benefit. If necessary, getting professionals to speak with your children may be helpful.
- Attempting to embarrass you: Some spouses would love to make you squirm, whether it’s by having you served at work or when you’re surrounded with friends. Again, it is important to be prepared, and handle yourself with dignity.
Getting Through Divorce with a Vindictive Spouse
Regardless of the dirty tricks your spouse may use, a judge will be impressed to learn that your reactions were always above-board, fair, and reasonable. The truth is, the kinds of maneuvers described here often backfire, leading to better outcomes for you. At Courtney & Mills, our upstanding, experienced Springfield family attorneys will work aggressively and honorably to achieve the best possible outcomes for you. Schedule a confidential consultation in our office today.