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Category Archives: Child Custody


Custody Battles Against a Narcissist

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

If you are divorcing a narcissist, you will likely experience complications throughout the divorce process.  Nowhere will those difficulties be more exasperating than when approaching the issue of child custody. That’s when you will be glad you’ve employed the services of an experienced and no-nonsense divorce attorney. What You’ll Be Dealing With  You’re probably… Read More »

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Child Order of Protection

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

Are you concerned about the welfare of your child, when spending time with a former spouse? In Missouri, laws are on the books to provide temporary protective custody for minor children in certain situations. It may be that the situation that is causing you angst could fit the bill. Emergency Custody To be clear,… Read More »

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Help! I Want to Change the Custody Agreement I Have with my Ex!

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

When you first divorced, you and your spouse settled on a custody agreement and visitation plan.  But things have changed, and the original agreement is giving you headaches now.  It’s not just the parenting plan and visitation that is problematic; you are dissatisfied with the entire custody agreement.  What options do you have moving… Read More »

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Making 50:50 Custody Work

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

If divorce is on the horizon and you are worried about your chances of having joint physical custody of your children, you should know that under Missouri law there is every possibility for both parents to be greatly involved with the children post-divorce. The days where mothers are automatically given total custody are long… Read More »

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Co-Parenting Tips

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

Co-parenting with your ex requires communicating and cooperating. This benefits both you and your ex, and, more importantly, makes the children feel safe and loved. Even if you have residual negative feelings toward your ex, experts recommend that you do whatever it takes to make things work for the sake of the kids. Transitioning… Read More »

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You’re in for a Custody Battle: What’s on the Table?

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

In most situations, people agree that children do best when they have a strong relationship with both parents following divorce. Even so, there are cases in which divorcing couples fight over custody issues and one or both feels vehemently that sole custody is the best option. What does the court look at when weighing… Read More »

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The Impact of Domestic Violence on Custody in Divorce

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

When couples with children divorce in Missouri, the courts generally prefer shared physical and legal custody so that each parent can share equally in decision-making and in the raising of the kids to the largest extent possible.  But when there is a history of domestic violence (DV) in families, shared living arrangements and decision-making… Read More »

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Is A 50:50 Shared Custody Agreement The Best Situation?

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

Back in the ‘70’s when couples divorced it was a pretty sure thing that Mom would get full custody of the kids and Dad would pay child support.  Nowadays, a lot has changed.  The impact of a father on his children is now recognized, along with his rights and responsibilities.  It is often in… Read More »

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Can I Get Custody Of My Child If I’m Not Married To The Mother?

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

Marriage and childbirth don’t always occur in that order.  For some couples, marriage is simply not a consideration at all. In these circumstances, what rights do parents have with regard to their children in the event the adult relationship comes to an end? Is custody even an option in such cases?  The answer is… Read More »

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What Can You Do If You Lose Custody In Missouri?

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

Custody matters in Missouri generally lean toward awarding joint custody in a divorce, with the underlying belief being that a child is best served by having frequent and easy access to both parents.  Even so, parents are sometimes unable to come to agreements related to a parenting plan, leaving the court to select one… Read More »

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