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Category Archives: Divorce


Play it Smart Financially in Divorce

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

Despite the fact that people split up across the country every day, many still enter the process knowing very little about the financial realities of a divorce. Certainly, most individuals don’t realize that their standard of living will likely take a huge tumble—from 10 to 30 percent according to some estimates. That being the… Read More »

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Getting a No-Fault Divorce in Missouri

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

For many years divorce was predicated on the misdeeds of one spouse.  That’s right, even in a divorce that both people wanted, there had to be a legal cause listed, disparaging one of the partners. Various states accepted issues such as cheating, mental or physical cruelty, drinking or drugs, desertion, or criminal charges as… Read More »

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The Cost of Divorce for Women Over 50

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

With the rate of divorce for individuals in their 50’s and older—doubling in recent decades, some may believe that it’s a simple process that results in two happy divorcees.  While that’s very true in some cases, there are decidedly difficult outcomes for others—particularly women.  Understanding the financial challenges for older women of divorce is… Read More »

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The Six Divorces

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

About a million couples find themselves in divorce court every year in the United States. If you are one of them, you may find yourself reeling in response to aspects of divorce that you weren’t totally prepared for.  Some experts surmise that there are really six divorces that occur in any split—and some people… Read More »

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Change Your Life for the Better with Divorce

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

Have you been muddling through an unhappy marriage for far too long? Has it taken a toll on your relationships both in your family and in other places?  Maybe your melancholy has made you a little bit short-tempered.  Perhaps you’ve lost focus at work.  You’ve put on a few pounds, and you really feel… Read More »

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Should You Stay Together for the Kids?

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

People stay married all the time for lots of reasons that aren’t love. Sparing children the disruption of a divorce is a biggie, and it may be the reason that’s keeping you from taking the leap back to single life.  If so, you should consider these questions moving forward: Is your home physically safe?… Read More »

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Interacting With In-laws During and After Divorce

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

Setting aside all of the bad jokes about unwieldy mothers-in-laws, there are very real questions about how interactions with in-laws will go when a couple divorces.  Certainly, there’s not a single answer to address every situation, and the relationship that existed prior to the divorce announcement will be part of the equation. The degree… Read More »

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I’m Getting a Nice Tax Refund, and Spending it on a Divorce Attorney!

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

If you’ve been considering divorce for some time, but just haven’t been able to scrape together enough money to cover the legal fees, you may be in luck.  Couples across the country are finding that splitting up is worth every dollar when they have a chunk of cash coming back from Uncle Sam. Costs … Read More »

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Gray Divorce: Keep Your Eye on the Realities

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

Divorce rates for older Americans have been soaring since the early 90’s, doubling for those over 55, and tripling for those over 65.  While there are plenty of reasons to get out of an unhappy marriage, you should do so with a clear view of what’s ahead. Some Unpleasant Outcomes  Research indicates that men… Read More »

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Don’t Make This Mistake in Your Divorce

By Courtney & Mills, LLC |

If you are heading for a divorce, it goes without saying that you and your spouse don’t see eye to eye.  But parting ways means you’re also divvying up assets, time with the kids, bills, and more. Depending on how you two choose to handle things, it can either be a civil and fairly… Read More »

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