Don’t Make Divorce Harder Than It Has To Be

There is nothing easy about divorce. That being said, the fact of the matter is that for some couples, divorce is exponentially more difficult than for others. Why is that, and what can you do to improve the odds for your own divorce?
1- Don’t let your emotions get the best of you: You will be experiencing a range of emotions while you go through the process of a divorce: anger, frustration, disappointment, jealousy, fear… it can all be overwhelming. That can be dangerous when there are critical decisions to be made. So if you find that your emotions are getting the best of you, invest some time with a good counselor, make sure you have an attorney whose advice you trust, and really try to focus on the future.
2- Don’t bait your spouse: It may be super-fun in the moment to flash your new love interest or brag about how great life is for you moving forward, but you’re really just asking for trouble with that kind of behavior. Anything you do that discourages cooperation and good old give-and-take will cost you in the end—literally.
3- Don’t be indiscreet on social media: Even if you’re not trying to aggravate your spouse, a poorly placed photo or comment could stir up feelings of revenge. So be careful about what you post.
4- Don’t put off documenting important information: If your spouse is someone who tends to be threatening, make sure you keep track of any communications that you will need in order to preserve your own or your kids’ safety. There are apps out there that do the tracking for you.
5- Don’t try to hide assets: If you’ve got a hideaway apartment, a safety deposit box, clandestine stocks, or anything else of value that your spouse doesn’t know about, you can be pretty sure their attorney will find it. So if you’ve failed to declare it in your list of assets, you will have alienated your spouse, and likely the judge, as well.
6- Don’t use the kids as ammunition: Your children deserve to get through this major change in their lives with as little bruising as possible. Don’t badmouth your spouse, don’t threaten to take them away, and, in general, don’t create unnecessary misery for these innocent little ones. Instead, love them, protect them, and make decisions based on their best interests.
Do it Right
Divorce isn’t a joyride, but it doesn’t have to be a drawn-out episode of misery, either. At Courtney & Mills, our experienced Springfield divorce attorneys want the best possible outcomes for you. Let us help you get through your divorce with the least possible drama and upheaval. Schedule a confidential consultation in our office today.