When You Want a Divorce But are Short on Money

Are you in a marriage that’s become boring? How about one in which you are completely turned off by your spouse? Or maybe things have been violent, and you fear for your safety and for the safety of your little ones. Whatever the situation, nothing is more frustrating than wanting out of your marriage and seeing no path forward because you just don’t have the money to get a divorce. However, there are things you can do to get moving in the direction you want to go.
Steps to Take Now
If you’re sure that divorce is the route for you, the first thing you need to do is start cutting out excessive spending. Doing without that morning fufu coffee in the morning will add up quicker than you think! And if you’re considering any big purchases like furniture or a vehicle—anything with long term financial obligations—try putting it off. Finally, try putting away some money in a private account, or perhaps a short-term interest-bearing CD that will earn some money for you.
Keep Divorce Costs Down
The cost of a contentious divorce can run into the tens of thousands of dollars, so one thing that is extremely beneficial is to maintain a decent relationship with your soon-to-be ex. Couples who are splitting up naturally have a lot of raw emotions, but maintaining respectful, cordial interactions is good both from a human standpoint and from a financial standpoint.
Avoid Court!
Divorcing spouses who wish to work out a settlement agreement without incurring the costs of a trial can do so using a number of different strategies. Settlement conferences are meetings where the spouses and their attorneys meet together to hammer out agreements related to property division, custody, and support. They are generally mediated by a judge or mediator, and give both parties the opportunity to express themselves and get legal opinions on the strength of their cases.
Consider Mediation
Mediators are a great option for people who want to get through a divorce quickly and inexpensively. It’s a service involving someone who works with the two of you to resolve issues amicably, and costs much less than what two attorneys competing for different outcomes will rack up.
Other Options
Other options for those who cannot afford attorney’s fees exist. One might be asking your spouse to take care of the fees. If they are agreeable to that, the issue is solved. If they balk, there’s always the possibility that you can ask the court to assign these costs to your ex after the fact.
One more thing to consider if you are desperate to get out of your marriage is using credit cards to pay your attorney, or even think about taking out a loan or borrowing money from family or friends. Some have even been known to crowdfund using a platform designed to raise money. It’s one newer option for those willing to give it a shot.
Advocating for You
The experienced Springfield divorce attorneys at Courtney & Mills always look out for you, searching for ways to create the best possible outcomes. Whether your divorce is going to be simple or complex, call us for a confidential consultation today.