Is Mediation A Good Option For Your Divorce?

If you are considering divorce, you have myriad decisions ahead. One of the very first things worth thinking about is whether you could benefit from divorce mediation. To be sure, it is not for everyone, but for some people who are ending their marriages, it can be extremely beneficial.
Advantages of Mediation
If you really would like to evade the courtroom in your divorce, mediation could be for you. A neutral mediator guides discussions as you and your spouse negotiate an agreement that works for you both. This can be advantageous on several fronts:
1- It won’t cost as much as a traditional divorce. You and your spouse will likely split the cost of the mediator, which is less costly and certainly less arduous than court proceedings generally are.
2- It won’t take as long. Because you don’t have to worry about fitting into the court’s schedule, planning and going through negotiation conferences occurs much more quickly, with essentially just your own schedules to worry about.
3- It can be empowering. With each partner engaging in voluntary discussions, it is often easier to make concessions and come to agreements to create a win:win scenario.
4- It is less formal. For the most part, those involved in mediation find that they are able to feel more at ease as they proceed through what can otherwise be a stressful situation.
When Mediation May Not be a Good Option
For some couples mediation is not likely to be successful. For instance, if your partner is extremely angry, manipulative, or dishonest, it will likely be difficult to come to agreement on the simplest of issues, let alone the tough problems. Additionally, some divorces have more complex issues to address, such as business ownership, extensive assets, or even mental health problems. Mediation in these situations could just prolong the inevitable, adding to the expense and time involved in your split. Mediation works best in situations where couples agree to the divorce, and are willing to set aside their emotions in order to work out an equitable settlement. If one person is hiding assets, or if settling on a time-sharing plan for the kids is going to be out of reach without a judge’s intervention, you may as well skip mediation and both of you get your own attorneys so you can fight it all out in court.
Moving Forward
Regardless of the method you choose, at Courtney & Mills, our dedicated and experienced Springfield mediation attorneys can help you dissolve your marriage. Our certified mediators are prepared to provide a safe and open environment in which to make decisions that weigh each person’s preferences equally. If mediation is not your inclination, our knowledgeable attorneys are willing to help you through a traditional divorce and fight for the best possible outcomes for you. To discuss your options, schedule a confidential consultation in our office today.