Monthly Archives: March 2023
Complications Of Visitation & Custody: Breastfeeding
Developing a family plan is never easy when couples divorce. Children are so precious to us that giving up any time or experiences with them can be heart-wrenching. For some couples, the whole thing gets even more complex because they are dealing with children young enough to be reliant on breast milk. Child’s Needs… Read More »
Gray Divorce
People over the age of 50 are getting divorced at double the rate they did in 1990. What gives? It seems empty nesters, who no longer feel the need to stay together for the sake of the family, are finding it easier to part ways these days, what with the stronger financial standing many… Read More »
Modification Of Missouri Spousal Support
If you’ve been divorced for a period of time and either pay or receive spousal support, it’s entirely possible that either your or your ex-spouse has undergone changes in financial status since the divorce occurred. With those changes, isn’t it reasonable that the alimony—sometimes referred to as spousal support—requirements change as well? Why is… Read More »